Avarice : Auspice, 2016

Avarice : Auspice, 2016

PHOTOGRAPHY Rob Little Digital Images (RLDI) and courtesy of Canberra Museum and Gallery This project continues an exploration of concepts of the unseen and in particular, the concept of ‘reading air’. Divised as an avarice pump, this gold inflatable harnesses...
Exact Fantasies, 2012

Exact Fantasies, 2012

At the culmination of his PhD, Jay Kochel presents Exact Fantasies, a series of four tableaux that explore the relationships between fetish, magic and interfacing the body. He uses material metaphors of containment, boundaries and fluidity to incorporate perceptions of purity and contagion. The tableaux allude to phantasmagoria and a Freudian sense of the uncanny, a sense of the familiar made foreign. This sense of misrecognition acknowledges the power of mimetic transformation that occurs through sympathetic magic, giving bodily power to objects that bear no resemblance to the bodies they reference.

Smoking Mirror, 2012

Smoking Mirror, 2012

Smoking Mirror, 2012 hair, bitumen, polyurethane, polyester resin, timber, webcam, code, computer dimensions variable All images: Brenton McGeachie Exhibited as part of the exhibition Exact Fantasies,...
Lingoplasty, 2005

Lingoplasty, 2005

Interactive sound installation custom speakers, custom programming, motion tracking webcam, computer modelled templates hand-cut & built from laminated cardboard, steel dimensions variable each pod measures 200 x 200 x 180 cm RE-EXHIBITED LINGOPLASTY_REPLAY, 2005...